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Sharon Moore

Author, speaker, sleep health advocate and speech pathologist at Well Spoken Upper Airway & Communication Solutions.

“Are you tired of the shenanigans kids get up to when they are tired or bored or just can’t keep still? Are you too tired to care? Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD? Are you wondering why they always have a cold or sniffles, why they are developing slower than others the same age? Are you wondering why your little person still wets the bed when others don’t, or wakes tired despite 11 hours of sleep? Have you been sleep deprived so long, you have forgotten the life-changing magic of great sleep?”

This and many other questions are answered in the book ‘Sleep Wrecked Kids’ and the parent guides ‘Well Slept Kids’ for parents. We believe nothing is more important than helping a child to breathe and sleep well, knowing the many consequences of untreated sleep problems. Yet, many myths and misperceptions get in the way of parents taking sleep seriously. Not only that, even when parents want help to improve sleep, the right information is not always easy to find. (And by the way, parents need good sleep too!)

A good night’s sleep is vital for everyone

We know how vital a good night’s sleep is – both mentally and physically. No body system is exempt from the effects of poor sleep. For children, no matter the cause of poor sleep, every domain of their development; physical mental emotional and social, is affected. For adults, poor sleep is rarely considered when managing mental and physical health issues. However, sleep problems are  a serious cause for concern, too many ‘bad nights’ in a row takes it’s toll , in fact, even one bad night has a measurable effect. We all need to take deliberate action to get sleep ‘on track.’

The latest science & a tool kit at your fingertips

Using cutting-edge research in myofunctional science, we show you how to help kids develop and keep super healthy airways, so they can breathe and sleep well.  Knowing how resourceful parents of the 21st Century are, we have created courses & resources to guide you through education, screening and treatment. You’ll never believe how amazing the Sleep Fairy is ! wink wink. We are really excited to be able to provide much needed courses & resources for parents.

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