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Asi Sharon Moore Cut@2x
Sharon Moore

Author, speaker, sleep health advocate and speech pathologist at Well Spoken Upper Airway & Communication Solutions.

So your doctor referred you to
Well Spoken?

You may have visited your medical or dental specialist and they referred you to Well Spoken. Perhaps you are scratching your head, wondering “how on earth is a speech pathologist going to help me, they help people with strokes and stutters don’t they?” Well yes, they do, depending on where they work. At Well Spoken, we provide clinical expertise when essential upper airway functions are not working as they should, causing you distress or difficulty at home, socially, at work at school or in the case of little people, growing up and developing. e.g. speech and voice problems, chronic cough, sleep apnoea and much more.

  • 52 year old Tricia has moderate sleep apnoea and snoring and wishes to pursue non-invasive treatment, as she is unable to tolerate CPAP or Splint
  •  3 year old Toby has noisy breathing at night, wakes unrefreshed despite 12 hours sleep.
  • 8 year old Kieran coughs constantly, please assist with a behavioural program, no medical cause has been found
  • 4 year old David had trifecta surgery and his speech is delayed (Grommets in, tonsils and adenoids out)
  • 3 year old Ellie is a mouth breather, and has delayed speech development
  • 3 year old Cruz has mild obstructive sleep apnoea, can you design a course of myofunctional therapy please?
  • Your doctor may have said, you need help to stop your coughing or throat clearing, or to correct your hoarse strained voice
  • Gavin has had no voice for 10 days since a traumatic life event, examination of the larynx shows no abnormality, can you treat please
  • 16 year old Erin, has collapsed twice during the 200m race, unable to breathe. Can you please treat her for vocal cord dysfunction
  • Joan has muscle tension dysphonia, and is unable to project her voice and unable to do her work.
  • Colin has a paralysed vocal cord, and is unable to maintain voice and also experiencing swallowing difficulties.
  • Dylan had his tonsils and adenoids out 12 months ago, but he is still breathing through his mouth and continues to have mild sleep apnoea
  • Petra is 2, she was diagnosed with low tone and drools excessively, please treat with myofunctional therapy.
  • Please assess Dion’s speech sound errors which are not correcting with traditional Speech Pathology techniques.
  • David was unwell with a respiratory infection and since recovering, has episodes of breathlessness and difficulty breathing in especially while talking or walking.
Whi Sharon Teaching1
Whi Sharon Teaching1

So your dentist or orthodontist referred you to Well Spoken?

You may have visited your dental specialist and they referred you to Well Spoken. There are a few reasons you might be referred.

  • 3 year old Jane sucks her dummy night and day and jaw development is disrupted such that she is unable to bite hard crunchy foods or chew properly. 
  • Can you please help Zoe move on from her thumb sucking habit? Currently it is causing anterior open bite, and impacting jaw development
  • Zac has Pierre-Robins Syndrome, had a cleft palate repair but continues to have, swallowing, breathing and speech difficulties
  • ‘Ellie wants her braces off for the school formal, but the Orthodontist said not until the tongue thrust is fixed’
  • Paul has a tongue tie and we don’t know if it affecting his speech.
  • ‘my son is 6 and still has a dummy at night and the dentist said it is wrecking his teeth
  • 9 year old Jason has on overbite and really tight clicky temporomanibular joints, please assess and treat
  • Please assess Tim’s tongue-tie and provide pre- and post-frenectomy training at your discretion
  • Please correct Johnny’s tongue thrust swallow
  • Samantha has Downe’s Syndrome with low tone and developmental issues that effect swallowing chewing and speech
  • Paul’s anterior open bite has relapsed after removal of his braces, due to tongue habits
  • Michael is 3 years old and has hypotonia with saliva control problems
  • Samuel is a mouth breather with accompanying open mouth posture
  • Please assist Finlay with his poor chewing and swallowing habits
  • Susan’s tongue habits are interfering with orthodontic treatment and may lead to relapse
  • Jack has delayed tooth eruption and poorly aligned teeth associated with tongue habits”
  • ‘I hate how my double chin looks in photos’
  • ‘It hurts when I open my mouth wide like yawning, and I seem to be grinding my teeth’
  • ‘no matter how much sleep I get, I still wake tired’

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New Patients
Please send us an email to admin@wellspoken.com.au with your medical or dental specialist referral. Our team will get you back as soon as we have availability, thank you

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