About Well Spoken

We support you and your loved ones. 

Led by well-known speech pathologist Sharon Moore, our Well Spoken team have helped over 40 thousand families over 4 decades suffering speech, communication and upper airway health problems, and we’re here to support you. 

We’re here to help you one breath at a time. 

Using cutting edge research in myofunctional science we design programs to improve upper airway narrowing related to sleep disordered breathing like snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea that lead to interrupted sleep and its chronic ‘knock-on effects’ for you and your loved ones.

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We know how vital a good night’s sleep is – both mentally and physically. Not one body system is exempt from the effects of poor sleep. For children, no matter the cause of poor sleep, every domain of their development; physical mental emotional and social, is affected. For adults, poor sleep is rarely considered when managing mental and physical health issues. However, sleep problems are  a serious cause for concern, too many ‘bad nights’ in a row takes a toll on a person’s overall health. In fact even one bad night has a measurable effect. We need to take deliberate action to get sleep ‘on track.’

Sleeping soundly and breathing well through the night can have a transformative impact on your life. Yes, improving your sleep can truly be life-changing and we’d love to help you achieve that.

Breathing ‘properly’ through the day is also important, in fact we address this first. Breathing ‘properly’ means nose breathing with correct ‘dynamics’ that is, the amount and speed of airflow enabling quiet gentle breathing without effort, supported by the diaphragm. There are many causes of disrupted breathing. Some of them are physical e.g. a blocked nose, or enlarged tonsils, some are caused by an ‘over activated’ nervous system. Our aim is to find the cause and go from there.

We’re here to help you one word at a time

Communication is vital to thriving in everyday life and we’re here to help you with speech and voice-related challenges that either you or a loved one is facing. 

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We’re committed to having you heard – to finding your best possible voice – so we aim to provide you with the tools you need to achieve your communication potential.

We understand that to communicate is to connect – without it, we can feel isolated and very alone. Linking with others via communication is crucial for your wellbeing. We can help you improve these skills to your highest level. 

We understand the frustration and isolation when you’re not fully understood or if you are having difficulty understanding and listening to others.

We're here to help you one smile at a time

When it comes to communication upper airway health and sleep, our bones, soft tissues and muscles play a critical role! That’s why we say, we want to find solutions at the earliest possible age. Our teeth, tongue, chin and jaw have all worked together since birth to help us with the simplest of actions – like breathing, crying, sucking, chewing, biting, yawning and smiling.

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When they don’t work optimally, they can and do affect communication and growth itself, including upper airway growth. Problems can develop slowly over time and leave you wondering what on earth can we do to manage this. Worse, many problems like this are not recognised early unless they are ‘serious’. Little problems untreated can turn into big problems impacting overall health and well-being.

We know how vital everyday basic functions are and know suffering is largely unnecessary because it’s treatable and avoidable, the earlier the better. Not only that, those very basic functions happen often everyday, and we don’t really think about them.

Fun fact:
The very muscles we use for our biggest smile, also help to tone and strengthen the muscles in the back of your throat!

Affiliations and societies

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About Well Spoken Upper Airway & Communication Solutions

Asi B1g1 Logo@2x
Hi Sleeping Children@2x

We love transforming lives and we have made this our business for over 4 decades. We believe every child and every adult has the right to be happy, health and heard. In our commitment to creating a healthier and more connected world, Well Spoken is unwavering in helping people optimise their upper airway health, improve the quality of their sleep and realise their communication potential. As cutting-edge solutions are created, we deliver our knowledge and experience so that others can live better and knowing that ‘we all rise by lifting others’.

And by the way, every time we help someone be happy healthy and heard, we transform a life somewhere else in the world. How? For example: when we help a child with sleep disordered breathing, we provide computer education to a child in need by supporting projects through B1G1. We’re grateful that together with you, we’re delivering the solutions that are transforming lives

To help you achieve this we offer clinical services, resources and courses.

Our purpose

“We believe in a world where every person has the opportunity to be happy, healthy and heard. That’s why we do what we do at Well Spoken so that optimal upper airway health and function are a vital part of every person’s life”

What happens when you work with Well Spoken?

Awico Medical
To assist you to achieve your goals
We take you on a journey through assessment, diagnosis and treatment integrating Orofacial Myofunctional principles into traditional Speech Pathology work managing disorders of the upper airway: breathing, swallowing, chewing, voice, resonance, speech, and breathing during sleep
Our goal is to for you to breathe, eat, speak, and sleep well:
  • Optimise your upper airway health
  • Improve the quality of your sleep
  • Achieve your communication goals
Most of our clinical work is
  • Online and at times face to face
  • In groups. Why so? We have a saying at Well Spoken that ‘groups are great’. To our surprise we found that many patients do very well when with others who have similar issues and not only that we found out this is backed up by neuroscience! The consistent feedback we get is that ‘Groups are great’.
Self-paced online learning, in your own time at your own pace.
Awico Parents
Have access to videos, resources and guides to help you recognise when there is a sleep and breathing issue, and step-by-step ‘what to do’ about it.
Have access to ‘MYOO’ video programs, step-by- step how to help your ‘little people’ develop a super healthy airway and perfect breathing during sleep, and have a lot of fun on the way.
“For many families, poor sleep has become their normal”. “Many people still think snoring is ok”.
Awico Speaking
Speaking, presenting Training
For medical, dental and allied health professionals
Well Spoken treatment philosophies, methods and programs developed at Well Spoken over 4 decades
It’s our vision that every child gets the sleep they need every night to be healthy and happy

The Well Spoken Manifesto

Hi Well Spoken Manifesto
We love transforming lives and we have made this our business for over 4 decades. We believe every child and every adult has the right to be happy, health and heard. In our commitment to creating a healthier and more connected world, Well Spoken is unwavering in helping people optimise their upper airway health, improve the quality of their sleep and realise their communication potential. As pioneering, cutting edge solutions are created, we transfer our knowledge and experience so that others can rise in their own lives. And by the way, every time we help someone be happy healthy and heard, we transform a life somewhere else in the world. How? For example: when we help a child with sleep disordered breathing, we provide one day of computer education to a child in need. When we see a patient with communication challenges, we give a visually impaired person the special gift of sight to a child in need by supporting projects through B1G1. We all rise by lifting others. We’re grateful that together with you, we’re delivering the solutions that are transforming lives.
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New Patients
Please send us an email to admin@wellspoken.com.au with your medical or dental specialist referral. Our team will get you back as soon as we have availability, thank you

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